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September 13, 2011

Members Present:  Mike Savino, Mark Flionis, Nate Moore, Denise Morano
Members Absent:  John Blunt, Jim Jumonville
Guests:  Larry Greene

Minutes from the May 10, 2011 meeting of the Skateboard Park were accepted as written.

Denise announced that she received a phone call from John Blunt earlier this afternoon informing her that he was resigning from the committee.
Denise expressed her frustration and disappointment with the lack of involvement from the community.  There haven't been any Holden kids present at any of the meetings or design stages.  Hardcore had a change of personnel in the design team, and it has been difficult reaching the new contact person to get questions answered.

Larry Greene was in attendance as a guest.  He indicated that he was involved in the up coming Turkey Trot being held Thanksgiving, and the Skateboard Park and Food Pantry were designated as recipients for donations.  Larry has volunteered his services to assist us with the preparation of documents and construction of the park at Eagle Lake.

Denise handed out a form letter detailing information that should be included when sending it to businesses to seek donations.  We are back to Eagle Lake as the preferred site, and plan on building the park in stages as a way to generate enthusiasm and motivate people to get on board with the project.

Mike was elected as the Chairman of the Committee, and he will contact John from Hardcore to follow up with their design plan.

Meeting adjourned at 6:40p.m.
Next meeting:  October 11, 2011 at 5:30p.m.